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Items in action
Shown below: PPI: List block displaying Items as the Post Type, ordered A-Z, six posts per page, four categories, no filters, grid view, three columns. Displaying images and link to detail pages.
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IQ Curriculum courses
The Arts & Sciences Integrated Inquiry or IQ Curriculum is designed so students can develop a distinctive academic plan reflecting their own intellectual curiosity. Explore popular courses below.

American Politics
I’m just a bill. Yes, I’m only a bill. And I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill.

American Popular Music & Media
From mass-produced sheet music in the mid nineteenth century to digital music and video on the internet.

Americans and Their Presidents
How have Americans understood what it means to be President of the United States?

Ancient World Civilizations
General survey of ancient cultures followed by the origins of particular civilizations and the transition to pristine conquest states.

Buddhist Traditions
Examine the historical development of Buddhism from its origins in South Asia in the 6th to 5th century BCE, through the transmission of the teachings and practices to East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Tibet, to contemporary transformations of the tradition in the modern West.

Calculus and Its Uses
Students should see how the topics of calculus are interrelated and build on each other. A single calculus course, while useful, gives a limited picture of the power and applicability of calculus.