Calculus and Its Uses
ArtSci Attributes: NS
Description: Students should see how the topics of calculus are interrelated and build on each other. A single calculus course, while useful, gives a limited picture of the power and applicability of calculus.
CL1809 Calculus and Its Uses
2 courses — at least 1 from two groups — are required:
Select only 1:
L24 Math 131 3.00 Calculus I (NS, QA) Every Semester / FL2017
L24 Math 127 3.00 Calculus I for the Life, Managerial, and Social Sciences (NS, QA) No Longer Offer / FL2011
L24 Math 130S 3.00 Calculus I (NS, QA) Annually / SU2015
Select only 1:
L24 Math 132 3.00 Calculus II (NS, QA) Every Semester / FL2017
L24 Math 128 3.00 Calculus II for the Life, Managerial and Social Sciences (NS, QA) No Longer Offer / SP2012
Select only 1:
L24 Math 233 3.00 Calculus III (NS, QA) Every Semester / FL2017
L24 Math 201 4.00 Freshman Seminar: How Mathematics Thinks: Multivariable Calculus (NS, QA) Annually / FL2014