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Archiving or Decommissioning a Site

Remove your site from public view without permanently deleting the content.

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Association between Racial Discrimination and Suicidality among African American Adolescents and Young Adults

Institute for Public Health Summer Research Program

Student: Suraj Arshanapally, SLU
Faculty mentors: Kimberly Werner, PhD, and Kathleen Bucholz, PhD

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Basic HTML Code for WordPress

If something on a page doesn't appear quite right and you understand the basics of HTML, the easiest solution can be to look for rogue tags in the code.

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Bear Studios

Provides undergrads with unique opportunities to work on real projects creating value for companies, and be well compensated for their work

Supports student-run ventures that are just getting started through an incubator that connects students to a small amount of start-up capital as well as to Bear Studios Student Team Members who have diverse skill-sets in programming and coding, finance, strategy, app development, marketing, and graphic design, among other skills, to help develop their ventures.

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Bioentrepreneurship Core (BEC)

Focused on biotechnology-based entrepreneurial opportunities and skills

BEC is a graduate student-led multidisciplinary group open to all WashU affiliates, begun in 2004 and now comprising upward of 400 members. Its mission is to educate students, faculty, and staff regarding biotechnology-based entrepreneurial opportunities and skills.

Buddhist Traditions

Buddhist Traditions

Examine the historical development of Buddhism from its origins in South Asia in the 6th to 5th century BCE, through the transmission of the teachings and practices to East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Tibet, to contemporary transformations of the tradition in the modern West.

Calculus and Its Uses

Calculus and Its Uses

Students should see how the topics of calculus are interrelated and build on each other. A single calculus course, while useful, gives a limited picture of the power and applicability of calculus.

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Calling Out Information with a Billboard

Use the billboard block to add text and other content to a large banner.

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China Connection

Promoting careers in China and supporting Chinese students at WashU

Our group aims to serve as the resource for WashU students who are interested in the career opportunities in China. We will cooperate with alumni associations in China and share our information with current WashU students. In addition, we provide orientation programs and other services to incoming Chinese students to help them better adjust to WashU culture and succeed in their college life.

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Collapsing Content into Accordions

Condense content into rows that visitors can click to expand.