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IQ Curriculum courses
The Arts & Sciences Integrated Inquiry or IQ Curriculum is designed so students can develop a distinctive academic plan reflecting their own intellectual curiosity. Explore popular courses below.

Introduction to American Musical Theatre
Come on along and listen to the lullaby of Broadway!

Nonhuman Primates
Designed to give students an understanding of the evolution and ecology of living nonhuman primates; its themes are socioecology, behavior, adaptation, diversity, and the links of primate behavior to that of humans.

Oceans, Atmosphere & Climate in the 21st Century
Introduction to the physical, chemical state and the evolutionary processes underway in the global climate as a result of natural and human influences

The Surface of Planets
Explore fundamental geological processes are responsible for shaping the surface, including both land-forming processes such as volcanism and land-removing processes such as erosion.

Topics in German Studies
Focus on particular cultural forms such as literature, film, historiography, social institutions, philosophy, the arts, or on relationships between them.