Editing an Existing Page or Post

Update pages or posts you've already saved as drafts or published.

Pages and posts (including People, Places, Items and Events) can be edited at any time, whether they are still in draft form or already published.

Option A

  1. While logged into your website, navigate to the page or post you are editing
  2. At the top of the page in the black admin bar, choose Edit this 

Option B 

  1. Go to Dashboard > content type you are editing (PagesPostsEventsPeoplePlaces or Items)
  2. You’ll see a list of all pages or posts in that content type, including drafts that haven’t been published yet
  3. Click the title of the page or post you’re editing

More on this topic

Adding New Pages

Use pages for relatively static content that makes up the architecture of your site.

Adding New Posts

Posts can be used for dated content like news, announcements or blog posts.

Adding Categories

Use categories to add filters or display a subset of posts on a page.

Using Blocks: An Intro to the Page Editor

Laying out pages and editing content is a snap with your site’s block editor.