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Adding a Calendar

Insert a calendar of your events by month, week or day.

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Adding a List of Events to a Page

Add a list of all upcoming events, or events from one or more categories.

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Adding a Single Event to a Page

Feature an individual event on a page.

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Adding Buttons

Make a critical call to action stand out from other content on the page using a button.

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Calling Out Information with a Billboard

Use the billboard block to add text and other content to a large banner.

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Collapsing Content into Accordions

Condense content into rows that visitors can click to expand.

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Creating Flexible Layouts With Columns

Use columns to bring visual balance to your layouts.

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Creating Photo Galleries

Display multiple photos at once as a thumbnail grid.

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Creating Slideshows

Insert a carousel-style photo gallery on your page or post.

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Embedding Content from Other Websites

Easily embed video, audio, social media and other third-party content.